NRM is the UK’s largest agricultural soil testing facility, currently analysing over 450,000 agricultural soil samples every year for basic nutrients.
Soil analysis allows farmers to tailor their fertiliser requirements to meet plant needs and so optimise yield whilst minimising environmental risk. It can also be used to identify pests and assess the soil’s texture, moisture and strength properties. NRM provides fertiliser recommendations to the RB209, with links directly into agronomic software programmes.
We also offer a range of more sophisticated analytical packages as required, with key areas of soil analysis accredited to ISO IEC 17025.
NRM is now able to offer Swedish and Dutch soil analysis for pH, Ammonium Lactate Extractable Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium and Magnesium. If you would like more information on this service or to recieve a quote please contact Business Development Manager Rory Geldard on +447917 064591
Plant tissue analysis helps farmers and their advisers identify crop nutrient and trace element deficiencies.
NRM now offers a Grain Check Service with a complimentary calculator that, using your results from the service, allows you to calculate actual nutrient offtake.
Analysis of manures and slurries provides information on the fertiliser value of these farm waste products allowing farmers to make savings in inorganic fertilisers and helping to reduce the risk of pollution.
Listed below are some of the most widely used tests provided by the laboratory. In addition to these NRM has an extensive portfolio of other tests and, where appropriate, can develop specific tests and analytical suites for your business.